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Schedule it

Schedule it 150 150 My Shot

I’m young and healthy, I don’t need the shot 😎

I’m young and healthy, I don’t need the shot 😎 150 150 My Shot

Getting vaccinated protects you, your family, friends, and community. Do it for grandpa! 🙏

But I don’t want to get sick…

But I don’t want to get sick… 150 150 My Shot

The vaccine won’t give you COVID 🦠 It can’t create an infection or make you contagious.

Ok, but how does the vaccine work irl?

Ok, but how does the vaccine work irl? 150 150 My Shot

It works with your immune system so you can fight the virus if you are exposed! 👊

Do I ~actually~ need two doses?

Do I ~actually~ need two doses? 150 150 My Shot

Most of the vaccines require two doses. The first one prepares your immune system, and the second one makes the effects last longer.

Getting both gives your body its best shot at protection!

Get more vax facts

Get more vax facts 150 150 My Shot

My arm hurts 😭 Do I need to call the doctor?

My arm hurts 😭 Do I need to call the doctor? 150 150 My Shot

Don’t worry! Some people are tired or have a fever, headache, muscle pain, chills, or a sore arm after their shot.

These side effects are totally normal and mean your body is doing what it’s supposed to 👌